Thank you so much to all the lovely ladies who turned out for our first RCMA Alumni Weekend!! We all had a blast, and are already planning out how to make next year even more awesome.

Despite the heat we have had quite an amazing summer! Thank you to all the girls who attended camp this year, we hope to see all of you back next year with friends!

Today the Rec Hall, Jon, and Cabins got their first opening sweep of the season to clean out all the winter dust!

After a very long 2020, we are SO EXCITED that we will be opening Camp for the 2021 Camp Season. In order to keep Camp as safe as possible for all of the staff, campers, and volunteers, we will only be holding two sessions in August.



Rainbow Camp has evolved over the years in many ways, yet some things remain the same. Looking through old pictures from the first years that Camp was open in the 1940s and 1950s shows that although the physical appearance of Camp has changed, the magic that embodies Rainbow Camp has not. Each of the amazing weeks that girls spend at...

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